This is a list of UFO sightings that have occurred in Malta. I have not thoroughly
investigated all the cases yet, and in some cases I have had to rely on newspaper reports
and other independent investigators. I will add new info on these cases as soon as it
is available.
Witnesses : 4 fishermen and a 10 year old boy
Location : On a boat 30km North of Malta
Object : Golden, glowing, missile-like object
Sound : Whooshing sound
Notes : The object passed over the witnesses boat, almost went out of sight
and then made a U-turn and returned over the boat. It then disappeared into
the sea and the witnesses heard what they thought was a splash. On moving
closer they saw no sign that anything had broken up on contact with the water,
i.e. no debris or bubbles.
25 June or September 1977
Witnesses : Raymond DeGiovanni and Charles Mamo
Location : On a boat in the Grand Harbour, Malta
Object : Bright, Luminous object with no distinct shape
Sound : None
Notes : The first ever photos of a UFO taken by a Maltese. The photos show two
bright luminous object which seem to move at great speeds, enough to leave
bright, zig-zagging streaks on film taken at 1/250 th of a second shutter
speed. These photographs were published in the newspaper, It-Torca.
See a [low quality] scan of the newspaper article
Witnesses : M. Deguara
Location : Manoel Island, Ta' Xbiex, Malta
Object : A round, reddish bulb like object similar to an aircraft's light
but which suddenly turned into a brilliant white light
Sound : None
Notes : M. Deguara saw a stationary light over Manoel Island. It suddenly
illuminated the whole island (which is approx. a kilometre across) with
a brilliant white light. It hovered for up to 5 minutes and then shot away.
Witnesses : Pius Darmanin
Location : Grand Harbour, Malta
Object : Moon like in size, bluish and of a gaseous consistency
Sound : None
Notes : The object moved in a zig-zag fashion and left white and yellow
fragments. It moved towards the centre of the Grand Harbour where it
seemed to release a blackish object barely visible in its glare. It
subsequently disappeared and another huge aircraft like object with
exhaust coming out of its tail-pipe appeared. A 'mothership' picking
up its smaller craft or a plane intercepting the first UFO?
The time of the sighting was 6 am.
Witnesses : Mr John Lyons, of British nationality married to a Maltese woman
Location : St.Paul's Bay and Mellieha, Malta
Object : Circular in shape, very bright and moving at great speed
Sound : None
Notes : On holiday visiting his wife's relatives in Mosta, he saw and
photographed a UFO over St.Paul's Bay and Mellieha. The photograph was
published in The Times of Malta.
See a [low quality] scan of the newspaper article
Witnesses :Anonymous and his wife
Location :Qui-si-Sana, Sliema, Malta.
Object : Shape/Size similar to a star, but moved at high
speed and performed "spectacular" aerial maneuvers
Sound : None
Notes :
Mr Y and his wife prefer to remain anonymous. On a clear summer night in
1977 or 1978 (the witness is not sure of the year), Mr Y and his (at the
time) fiance were walking along Qui-si-Sana, Sliema at around 10.00 pm.
Here is what he experienced in his own words :
"The funny thing is that we had 2 or 3 days earlier talked about
UFO sightings in Malta, local newspaper articles and other locals
and kids who had seen these UFOs and apparently followed or chased
them across the skies. I had admittedly shrugged off the issue as
a sick Maltese version of UFO hoax until that fateful night.
Actually it was my fiance who spotted the light first. Her acute
eyesight picked out the "moving" star and she triumphantly
pointed it out to me as if to pay me back for my earlier disbelief.
And there it was! No fancy lights or shapes, nor wooshing sounds
or anything of the sort. Imagine a stray star, nothing more. Same
colour, same size - but constantly on the move.
I could not even have a guess on its altitude since there was no
definite shape I could relate the thing to. Neither the speed as it
flew erratically from left to right of the night sky. The course
was haphazard and made no sense to me. It happened so often that
course changes took it back, then down, then right again, then up,
then once more to the left.
We were awestruck at first, then kind of bored since nothing really
fantastic was happening. We followed it across the sky until we lost
it on it's way to the right side of the sky. Then after about ten
minutes if I remember well, it came back from right to left, again
changing course ... and superimposed as it was on a background of
constellations, one could fantasize that this thing was jumping from
one cluster of stars to the other at a breakneck speed. Of course
it wasn't, but I am still wondering who could have been at the helm,
if there was indeed someone steering this craft. The erratic behaviour
and abrupt course changes must have had some effect on any humanoid on
board, so maybe it was remotely controlled? But what was it? It was
definetely not a plane, helicopter, balloon of any sort, kite or satellite.
Nothing could have moved in that manner, at least nothing I know of myself.
One thing is for sure, it was giving out light since we could see it in the
dark and this was no reflection."
The two eye-witnesses finally gave up watching this UFO as it dizzily
proceeded on it's aimless course and they stood up and walked towards
the Sliema seafront.
Witnesses : Anonymous
Location : Fomm ir-Rih, Malta
Object : Glowing white and with no features except for a bulge in the middle
Sound : A buzzing and humming noise
Notes : Mr X was driving along a dirt road near Fomm ir-Rih at 9pm.
He heard a buzzing noise which increased in pitch until his car's engine
went dead. He looked out of his window and saw what he described as a
'plattina tleqq' - a glowing plate-like object. This appeared to be
descending directly onto his car. He panicked and tried to get out but
the door seemed to be jammed. He could do nothing except brace himself
for the impact. When nothing happened, he looked out again and saw the
object hovering at 20 metres above his car. The noise it had emitted
became a hum. It hovered over him for 10 minutes during which time he
didn't move from his seat. Without warning, it rose at an incredible
speed until disappearing in the distance. The car started normally, and
frightened out of his wits, Mr X drove like mad to Ghar Lapsi where he
had to meet a friend.
On the way he stopped for a drink (a double whisky) and recounted his story
to the barman. The barman (who is personally known to the researcher)
confirmed that Mr X looked as if "he had seen a ghost". Mr X was
illiterate so his story could not have been faked after having read a UFO book.
Witnesses : Francis Darmanin and wife
Location : Dingli Cliffs, Dingli, Malta
Object : Cigar shaped or disc seen edge-on, visible only on film
Sound : None
Notes : Mr Darmanin and his wife were walking along the Dingli cliffs and
snapping photographs of the view. One of the photos was of the Dingli
Cliffs radar station. On developing this photo, a cigar shaped object (or
a disc seen edge-on) could be seen exactly above the radar dome. The
object seemed to be releasing vapour or some form of energy from its top
and bottom in four distinct jets. The camera used was a Canon 35mm without zoom.
The film's developer ruled out a defect in the negative or having been caused during
the developing process.
Witnesses : Anonymous
Location : Limits of Zebbug, Malta
Object : Round object, pulsating in various colours
Sound : None
Notes : Two women were driving along a road when they saw a pillar of radiance
in one of the fields. The pillar of light ended in a roundish object which
pulsated and changed colour continuously. They observed this object for
a few minutes until it rose slowly till it disappeared in the distance.
No physical evidence in the fields was noted as the the investigator only
learned of this sighting a few months after it occurred.
Witnesses : Multiple
Location : Malta & Gozo
Object : Distant Lights in the sky
Sound : Too far off to hear anything
Notes : I have received a number of reports of distant lights in the sky
that may or may not have any significance : the witnesses may have misidentified aircraft lights,
distant lightning flashes, bright stars or planets, etc.
Witnesses : John Joseph Mercieca (myself)
Location : Mriehel Bypass (near Qormi)
Object : Cylinder shape
Sound : Too far off to hear anything
Notes : Driving along the Mriehel Bypass (toward Valletta, just before the exit to Qormi) at 12.20pm (noon),
I noticed an "aircraft" in the sky in the direction of Qormi. What caught my eye was the seemingly bright
sun's reflection off the fuselage which was blinding when looked at directly. The reflection dimmed
in a couple of seconds as if the "aircraft" was banking and suddenly the "plane" was not there anymore! It
just blinked out!! The sky was cloudless so it couldn't have flown into a cloud. The object was roughly
2 cm long at arm's length.
A number of interesting reports are being investigated right now!
I'll put them up on this page ASAP.